Guiding You
To The Other Side Of Family Law Matters

Experienced Custody Modifications Attorney

A divorce, no matter how life-changing, doesn’t stop changes from interrupting your life. Jobs are gained and lost, incomes rise and fall, a serious illness becomes expensive or the need to relocate may arise.

Any of these events can throw you and your child out of your post-divorce routine — and changes must be made to your settlement agreement.

When the time comes to modify the child custody portion of your agreement, the Grapevine family lawyer who protects your rights — and always acts in the best interests of the child — is Traci Hutton, founder of the law office of Traci Hutton, Attorney At Law.

Ms. Hutton has years of experience in the practice of divorce and family law. Just as importantly, she shares the ups and down, trials and tribulations of the divorce experience with you. She understands your concerns and carefully, thoughtfully addresses them. If you feel you need to request or contest a divorce modification, or take legal action to enforce a former spouse’s obligations, Traci Hutton can help.

Family Law Solutions You Can Live With

  • Have you received orders to relocate out of Texas, by your employer or the military?
  • Have you lost your job, and become resigned to seeking employment in a neighboring state?
  • Have you been advised that the specialized health care you need is available only in another state?

These are all valid reasons to take your child or children with you, to begin a new life. Their impact on child custody and visitation arrangements can be dramatic, requiring a modification of your divorce settlement. Likewise, financial support responsibilities may need to be altered in the event of an income-related, sudden and substantial change in circumstance.

Traci Hutton can show you how to set these legal strategies in motion. Along the way, you can draw strength from her knowledgeable guidance and sound recommendations.

Wondering How To Modify A Custody Agreement?

Contact our Tarrant County, Texas, child custody modification lawyer today. Reach Traci Hutton by phone at 817-778-4543 to secure a confidential consultation. Your email request will be responded to promptly.